Sunday, August 17, 2008

Product Review

This was the most delicious burger I have ever enjoyed.

You see each Saturday we usually pack the little family up in the car and head down to the local farmers market. This is because we love buying local meat and vegetables because its cheaper then the grocery store and it taste better. While there last week scooting around checking out the prices of all the different farmers we just happened to see a large sign at SpringBrook Farm. PORK PACK $20. After questioning the man about the sign are bag was loaded with

1 large ham steak
1 large oven roast
Pork stew meat
4 HUGE pork chops
Ground pork
and Maple Bacon

Before leaving we always stop by Harry's Pizza to say hi to our wonderful friend. He also had wonderful things to say about this farm and the quality of their products. One thing he recommended to us was to try their Hickory Smoked Pork Burgers!!! Well on our way out the door I ran back to the their booth to get a price list and a brochure to add to my home binder so I could compare the prices and have their contact information on hand and well chatting with the nice gentlemen I told him that they next time we were there we would have to try these. The next thing I knew we were skipping out the market doors with them, excited to BBQ after church the next day!

Hubby did a wonderful job BBQ them. He was very impressed with how well they stayed together and how they didn't shrink one bit!! The taste of these BIG guys was explosive it was such a delicious burger. They are on the top of our summer time BBQ list.

SpringBrook farmers is a family business that does not use steroids, hormones or tenderizers. There is no pesticides, drugs, chemicals or vaccines. If you would like to contact them you may do so at and if you are from the maritimes you will find these guys at the following markets



  1. LOVE it! We no longer eat red meat, but do eat ground pork, chops, etc.
    I've also been trying to buy from organic or pesticide/hormone free farms - so this is great!
    We'll be trying these burgers for sure! Thanks!

  2. are those the flat hamburger buns I've seen?
