Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Decorating Cookies

I don't usually do any special plugs for kitchen gadgets because most of the time I pick my stuff up at the local dollarama or a second hand store. There are a couple of nice kitchen tools that I do enjoy using as they make the work a lot easier. These guys have seen their fare share of cookies and cup cakes over the years. I even used them once to decorate the top of my Shepard pie.

They are from a purchase I made at my one and only Pampered Chef party I attended. I had never really been to a party like that before and didn't realize (until it was order time) that most people buy stuff at these party's. I had looked through the book but come on everything was so expensive so as quickly as I could I looked for the cheapest thing available and it just so happened it was these 3 little guys (thanks monthly specials). They have made decorating the Christmas cookies a whole lot easier and you can be more creative when decorating. They only thing I don't like about them is its hard to get the frosting into the tiny opening at the top and its hard to get it out when washing. They do come with a little scrub brush that you can use and it works pretty well. I am sure you can pick these put at yard sales and I saw them on Ebay for pretty cheap as well.

If you are looking for other creative ideas hope on over here

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