Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Strawberries for breakfast

Saturday mornings around here are usually our mornings for delicious extravagant breakfast treats!  This is the only time in our week that we can enjoy a bigger breakfast all together as a family so we take full advantage and treat ourselves.   When it is strawberry season in NB we tend to put strawberries on and in everything we eat, at least for the 2-3 weeks they are in season.

Here are two of our favourite treats!

Waffle shortcake towers!  Start by whipping up a batch (or two) of your favourite waffle recipe.  Hey if you don't have a homemade recipe there is no shame in bringing out that box of Eggos.   If you are looking for a waffle recipe, our family LOVES this recipe!  I mix all the drys up in a large ziploc baggie and store it in the pantry.  That way when we want waffles we just take out the mix and and the wets and we are good to go! 

Our waffle iron makes round waffles that easily break into 4 triangles so for our waffle tower we layer waffle, fresh whipped cream, and sliced berries 4 times to create a leaning tower ;) 

Next up is our croissants breakfast.  This can be done 2 ways.  The first is to make french toast with your croissants.  Cut them in half, dip in beaten egg and fry until golden brown.  Or you can just have them regular.  When we do regular I try to make sure they are fresh ones or sometimes I will splurge and buy a box of the frozen ones from Costco (and bake them fresh) for a treat. 

Take your croissants (frenched or plain) and spread strawberry cream cheese* over the bottom piece.  Next add slices strawberries.  Top with the other half of your croissant and add whip cream, fresh berries and a drizzle of melted Nutella to look extra fancy. 

* you can either buy strawberry cream cheese or I just use pureed berries mixed into plain cream cheese. 

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