We love strawberry season because we love our strawberry short cakes!! During this short season we may eat them for breakfast, lunch, supper or even a bed time snack. The combination of scrumptious local berries, sweet biscuits and fresh whip cream is the taste of summer here in NB.
Local Strawberries, sliced and lightly mashed
spooned over homemade biscuits

Topped with fresh whipped cream!
There are a few additions I made to my basic biscuit recipe to make the short cake even more delicious!!!
First you will want to try to add a pop of lemon to the biscuits. The best way to do that is to zest one lemon into the 1/4 cup of sugar and give it a good massage before adding it to the dry ingredients.

Another biscuit trick is to grate your cold butter into the mixture.
Delicious biscuits ready to be made into short cakes.