Welcome to our 50 days of summer fun!!! This year the kids and I decided to draw out our list on our big brown school paper!!! We have been doing a summer fun list for a couple of years (
2013). Every year I love hearing the things the kids want to do again and try for the first time :)
This year we made a summer fun bunting banner which adds a new flare in our kitchen. I purchased this bunting at
Target in the party section for $4.99. You get two of them in the package. They are chalk boards so you can decorate them, erase and start all over again. I have used it now for 4 different functions and it still looks great.

When creating a list I find that looking through my
summer fun board on Pinterest is helpful for finding some things to add to your list. The kids really enjoy this part and are not shy to tell me which ones they want to do. The other thing I do is we know some of our summer plans ahead of time and put these on the list. This year we will take a family vacation to Quebec so that made the list. Also every summer we celebrate
M&M on toast day so that is a given on our list as well. If your family has a vacation spot or if the kids will be going to VBS I always add them. Other fun and inexpensive things we usually do in the summer is have a movie night,
eat corn dogs (this year I am buying pogos),
make pop floats, water fun, beach, swimming and a camping trip to the grandparents cottage! Your list doesn't have to be crazy and filled with things for every day of the summer. Its just a fun thing that adds excitement to the kids summer. Most of the things on our list are things we do as a family it just seems to be more exciting when the kids can see things that we will be doing and of course checking them off as we do them :) Oh an don't forget to add a few new summer recipes to your list as well. The kids love making
popsicles and
ice cream sandwiches.
Peterson List
Camp fire supper
M&M on toast day
Hula Hoop party
Farmers Market
Fly a Kit
Sundae Night
Game night
Lunch with Daddy
Run through sprinkler
Read 50 books
Play at parks
Water Wars
Build a SandCastel
Splash Park
New River Beach
Pick Flowers
Nature Park
Bike Ride
Washer Party
Drive in Movie
Q-plex swim
Go fishing
Water Balloons
Fire Works
Catch butterflies
Roast Marshmallows
Pirate VBS
Trip to the ice cream store
Go camping
Pick Strawberries
Celebrate Canada Day
Weird Animal Camp
Smore fun
Glow sticks
Family Canoe Ride
Marshmallow guns