Monday, July 27, 2020


Some moments are really hard, I don't share those moments with everyone, but a small few who know exactly how to speak words of life over me and my calling as a mother. 

As an only child I would have never of dreamed of being called mama by 7 little ones;  but isn't that just how God works.  He called me, someone with no experience, to step out and trust him fully.  

I am so thankful for the women who have walked with me during this journey, who have listened to me share what I felt God was asking of me back when we only had 1 child, prayed for me when I felt like giving up, who speak life over me when all I can do is cry because I feel so overwhelmed and the amazing friends (and family) who have rejoiced with us every time we have told them we were expecting another blessings.  

This photo speaks it all for me today as I stare at it, looking at each one of these precious faces that have brought joy, laughter, frustration and anger into my life.  Who have thought me how to serve better, love deeper, laugh louder, snuggle more, pray harder, and worship louder. 

Each face has a different personality, each child is representative of a life event we have victoriously walked through, each child is unique and valuable to me.  I don’t know why God chose me to be a mom of 7, 6 of them being boys, but I do know He has been faithful to me even on the hard days when all I feel is anger and sadness.  He knows I can’t do this perfectly and that I will mess up BUT I know who is on my side, who is with me every step and in every emotion.   My hands are very full and most days I don’t get a moment to think, but just like that this season will be gone. So today I cherish this memory and this moment where God reminded me that these joy filled moments FAR OUTWEIGH the hard ones. 

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